
If You Listen…

When I shop for furniture, whether at auction, the curbside, or at thrift stores, I always arrive with an open mind, and allow the furniture to “speak” to me. Yes, I know that sounds crazy, and most of my friends and my husband would agree. But there is something about taking the time to be with a piece of furniture and allow it to show you its potential.

Let’s be honest, it is useless to set out with a specific piece in mind when you are in my business. You just need to work with what is available. Within that, however, certain pieces somehow just beg to be saved. They have good bones, interesting shapes, repurposing potential, or are in some way just plain cool. I have learned that when a piece speaks to me, I end up with the most successful end product.

Now, I can’t say that I always have a vision of exactly how the piece will turn out when I first lay eyes on it. Sometimes I just have the instinct to purchase the furniture and let the ideas simmer. Other times I can look at something and know EXACTLY what I want to do with it.

This first pieces was a weird little item I found at a thrift store. I honestly have no idea what it was supposed to be. I just thought it was kind of cool. Those 3 little knobs on top were actually tiny little wooden containers with lids. Very strange. I took it home and just kept looking at it. It finally struck me what it wanted to become. What do you think? (And yes, I saved the wooden containers for another project)

Now this dresser was one I knew instantly what I wanted it to become when I saw it.

I had the vision in my head, and I just needed to make it come to fruition. Although it may seem hard to look past the dated “before” picture, I could see the final product in my head before I even paid for it.

When you are shopping for furniture to refinish (at the store or maybe even in your own home) take the time to let each piece show you what it can be. You will always get the best results when you listen.


Hold my wine, I’ve got this…



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