
Makeover of the Week

This storage unit is one of the first pieces I ever upcycled. I absolutely fell in love with its shape, and although when I first bought it I wasn’t sure exactly what I was going to do with it, I knew it had potential. In its original glory, it had a glass door and sides, plus glass shelves and a light at the top. When I purchased it, the glass in the door was broken, some of the hardware was missing, and the light didn’t work. I really felt like the glass shelves limited the repurposing options, so I replace them with wooden shelves I made from scrap wood. I removed the remaining glass side panels and replace them with chicken wire. Since the shape and style were already unique, I decided to go with a neutral color palette to allow it to more easily blend in with other furnishings. I found some replacement hardware in my “stash” that fit the style of the unit.

Upcycler’s first commandment: NEVER, EVER EVER throw away quality hardware–no matter how dated it looks. You will be amazed by how it can become the perfect “retro” accent to an otherwise contemporary piece, or help soften a mid-century modern piece with a graceful flair. And nothing updates the look of old hardware like a fresh finish!

This little cutie is the perfect storage cabinet for bathroom towels and pretty soaps, or to hold barware for entertaining. Its previous appearance was heavy and dated, limiting its purpose to showcasing “collectibles”. Now, with a fresh face, the possibilities are limitless!


Hold my wine, I’ve got this…


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