
It Works with the House…

“There’s nothing here that’s too perfect. And that’s OK. It works with the house.”
-Carey Vizzi Jacobs, Magnolia Journal, Summer 2017

This simple statement has become my anthem and has probably added 10 years to my life by reducing my stress level. I am classic type A personality. I add pressure to myself even if there is none. I have a job I absolutely love, and if left to my own devices I can find a way to wreck the joy by putting imaginary deadlines on myself. Anyone able to relate??

I read the above quote and it was possibly the most freeing statement I have ever read. Can you actually hear the angels singing?

You know that scratch on the hardwood stairs that you were so upset about? It’s called character and it tells the story of your life. (For me it was the story of my husband and I carrying the giant king sized headboard up the stairs—a process during which was both infuriating and hilarious). You know that dust bunny in the corner made up of cat hair? That is the result of the wrestling match between the new kitten and one of the other cats. That is love and fun and play all wrapped into one fuzzy floating package. You know that dresser with the chewed-up leg? The one that your dog got ahold of his first night at your house? You guessed it! It’s character. And fun memories from when Fido was just a pup.

It’s very common to see our homes with a more critical eye than we would ever look at a friend’s home. It’s time to let yourself off the hook. Let’s all join hands and breathe a collective sigh of relief. Repeat after me. There’s nothing here that’s too perfect. And that’s OK. It works with the house.

Now doesn’t that feel better?


Hold my wine, I’ve got this…



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